
Hey Jammers!
Here is a page full of quotes people have said about Animal Jam.
Comment with yours if you have one!
Follow these rules:
  • Make sure it is positive
  • It can be advice
  • Don't be mean
  • Don't have the comment against anyone
Once you comment, I'll post your quote on here!

"Animal Jam is a site meant to have fun on, don't take it so seriously with rares, scamming and trading, just jam on!" ~ XxFreeSpiritxX

"When you hold a grudge over somebody, you'll regret it about an hour later!" ~ PatientPanda  

"Beta was better..." ~IIllIllL

"Don't be a scammer jammer." ~ Mmccarthy2

"A scammer is NOT a jammer." ~ EagleEye34

"True jammers know that Animal Jam is about having fun and meeting friends; Not about trading or rares." ~EagleEye34

  "Rares get you no where, it's the friends that make a difference"
 " Don't let rares or other intimidating Jammers change who you are, stay who YOU are."
"Best Game Ever!!" x3 ~Ace97

"If you get scammed or hacked, don't worry. rares are not everything. Its how much fun and you friendship.Remember friends foever."

"Scammers are not Real Jammers!
We don't want dramaa in Jamaa!
rares do not define the jammer, The Jamming defines the Jammers

"Be a Jammer, not a scammer :D" ~ AmygoesRawrx3

"Rares are just computer animation items." ~Bunnyman45608

"If you don't live the life your in you miss it when you get older." ~Bunnyman45608

"As long as there's a road, just keep running." ~GreatShot

 "A friend is someone who laughs with you, not at you." ~GreatShot

"Animal Jam was created for educational usage, not for rare trading or to scam! Be a true jammer, head on over and watch some cool videos, in sarepia's theatre, Brady Barr's lab, or Tierney Thys!" ~ Goofy8966

"Scamming is a lazy way to collect hard earned rares, be persistent, don't scam, but jam!"~ Goofy8966

"Definition of a jammer; one who jams with friends, throws parties (not about trading, but fun), goes on adventures to explore Jamaa. Be a Jammer not a scammer. Definition of scammer; Lazy, cheats others, isn't a true friend, only wants you for your rares. Cares more about trading and items, than being a friend or Jamaa. Remember be a Jammer not a scammer!"~ Goofy8966

"Better to have more friends, than more rares." ~AmyGoesRawrx3

"Rares never commiserate you."~AmyGoesRawrx3
"Don't let rares to change you."~AmyGoesRawrx3

"Rares are computer pixels, so stop acting like they are your pride and joy." -Spino11

"Animal Jam is really addictive and I'd have to say... I LOVE IT!" ~Detective09

"Animal Jam is not about rares, it's about fun. When they said 'Play Wild', I said 'Challenge Accepted'. I didn't think rares would take over until now. AJ is for fun, not rares." ~RjKingBeast.



  1. "A scammer is NOT a jammer."
    "True jammers know that Animal Jam is about having fun and meeting friends; Not about trading or rares."

    ~EagleEye (who is too lazy to log into her blogger account)

  2. "Rares are just computer animation items."
    "If you don't live the life your in you miss it when you get older."


  3. "As long as there's a road, just keep running."

    "A friend is someone who laughs with you, not at you."


  4. Here's some of my quotes Free, hope you like them.

    "Animal Jam was created for educational usage, not for rare trading or to scam! Be a true jammer, head on over and watch some cool videos, in sarepia's theatre, Brady Barr's lab, or Tierney Thys!"

    "Scamming is a lazy way to collect hard earned rares, be persistent, don't scam, but jam!"

    "Definition of a jammer; one who jams with friends, throws parties (not about trading, but fun), goes on adventures to explore Jamaa. Be a Jammer not a scammer. Definition of scammer; Lazy, cheats others, isn't a true friend, only wants you for your rares. Cares more about trading and items, than being a friend or Jamaa. Remember be a Jammer not a scammer!"

  5. 3 quotes:
    'Better to have more friends, than more rares.'
    'Rares never commiserate you.'
    'Don't let rares to change you.'

  6. "Rares are computer pixels, so stop acting like they are your pride and joy." -Spino11

  7. "Don't be a scammer, Be a jammer!"

  8. Aj is really adictive and i'd have to say... I LOVE IT!!! Detective09

  9. "Animal Jam is not about rares, it's about fun. When they said 'Play Wild', I said 'Challenge Accepted'. I didn't think rares would take over until now. AJ is for fun, not rares."

  10. Rares are just pixels, Not real stuff that is meant to be kept forever, Friends are worth more then rares, and they are NOT Pixels! They Are real! It's better to give your rares away to your friends that has been hacked, scammed or is even just new! ~Thracey11

  11. morsa mâncat Taco mea-the walrus ate my taco - by tigertaco2011

  12. Aj isn't about rares, so why does everybody think that? ~ Detective09

  13. Maybe someday Aj will suspend all scammers... like an Aj invasion.... >=^D ~ Detective09

  14. Funny thing is, People who scam get reported. But people who jam get supported. What is the people who jam are hiding something... 0.o ~ Detective09

  15. Friends are what make you a real Jammer... ~ Detective09

  16. ((im gonna give it a shot ^^))

    yes, scammers get rares, and you follow them in what terrible things there doing, but think of how other feel when such items get taken, and when you trick them so there mistaken, think about how proud you would feel, if you got that by trading fairly, instead of breaking happiness... ~Glados135

  17. " animaljam is all about friends,so don't scam if your thinking about scamming stop for a second think to yourself witch is more importent? hurting someone from stealing or being there friend"

    1. Why is your user allaboutrares? Everyone's saying rares don't matter, are the odd 1 out

    2. You shouldn't care if you're rare!

  18. Meh quote:

    * Don't let rares change yourself. AJ is about friends and having fun :D*

    1. I forgot to put my user in. :L It's Bunny34422.

  19. If you make a mistake or a bad thing,make it up and hope for the better tomorrow.


  20. Jam don't scam ~lily4251

  21. deniz60427

    animal jam is for meeting friends haveing fun and learning jam on dont scam!

  22. 1:"If you scam, that means you have no life and you are too lazy to get the item yourself"
    2"scammers are kittypets!!!"
    3"Its annoying when people do faces like 'O3O, ^-^, ;-;, >:U' to be epic. Thats when they are hanging out with rare people and overflow with conciededness (<< lol not a word) and think they are cooler than everyone else.

  23. this really changed my animal jam pride im gonna let out my wild side :)

  24. i have a quote by me, olivejam. "if rares were gems, and we had a million rares, we still wouldn't be rich."

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I have yet another quote! (i removed the time I first wrote it cuz there we're some big spelling mistakes) "if rares we're friendship than... why am I even doing this rares aren't friendship at all!" And yes, thats actually a quote

  27. i have a third quote! :D "Scammers are just lazy jammers fighting over pixels." by me olivejam! I'll also throw in a good joke. Why are pirates called pirates? Cause they arrrrr.

  28. My use is LilCreativeLeaf. I have a quote.
    Don't judge a jammer by the eye. Don't waste your time to stare at a rare, it's what friendship you shall count on.

  29. Oooooo I have a good one ... Scammers are Shit.

  30. Trade Fair for a Rare

  31. btw buddy me i am donutmouse


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